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100% satisfaction guarantee

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Delivery within 6-7 work days

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60-day refund policy

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Highest quality standards

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100% satisfaction guarantee

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Delivery within 6-7 work days

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60-day refund policy

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Highest quality standards

Frequently asked questions

  • Where is my package?

You can check the location of your package by entering your tracking number (which you received in the email regarding the shipment of your package) at the following link:


  • Where do I get the tracking number?

We will send the tracking number of your package in an email, where we will inform you about the shipment and delivery of your package. The tracking number is also included in messages sent by GLS.


  • How do you send packages?

For delivering packages we use the GLS delivery service. The courier will deliver the package to the address you wrote down when ordering. Packages are delivered on working days. If you are not at the address when the package is delivered, you will receive all the information you need to pick up the package (in your mailbox or by e-mail or text message).


  • I have problems with the delivery, what can I do?

For assistance regarding delivery, you can contact GLS by phone: 18606200

We are also available at: [email protected]. We will be happy to help you resolve the issue and make sure you get your package as soon as possible.


  • What are the delivery costs? 

For orders up to 50 the delivery cost is 5,90 €.

For orders over 50 the delivery is free


  • Damaged products were delivered

When receiving the package, if you notice that your package is damaged, you must give a note. Then send us the details (including photos) on [email protected] within 60 days of receiving the package. We will verify if you are eligible for replacement with new products and provide instructions accordingly.


  • Package insurance

Package insurance provides peace of mind for customers concerned about their deliveries. In case of damaged or missing products, we guarantee a solution on our expense, to get you the products you ordered as fast as possible.


  • Skip the line

Orders with the “skip the queue” service are processed and packed on a priority basis. In this way, you can ensure consideration for faster delivery of the package.

  • I want to return the product. How can I do this?

In case of returning the products, within 60 days after the purchase, inform us at [email protected].

Address for returning the products: Ballycoolin – Unit 200 Northwest Business Park, D15 K8ND DUBLBALW Co. Dublin, Ireland.

When returning the products, make sure to include a completed Product return form, which can be found HERE.

You can find more about the right to withdraw from the contract or the ordered goods in the General Terms and Conditions:


  • Wrong products in the package

If you have received wrong or damaged products, please provide details (including photos) within 8 days of receiving the package. We will verify if you are eligible for replacement with new products and provide instructions accordingly. Make sure to include your order confirmation number in the subject line, so that we can easily find your order and process your request immediately.


  • Missing products

We are aware that receiving the entire order is important to you, so it is also important to us! We do absolutely everything possible to ship your order on time and in good condition.

Please contact us on [email protected] within 8 days, so that we can organize replacements for missing products. Make sure to include your order confirmation number in the subject line, so that we can easily find your order and process your request immediately.


  • How can I use the discount code?

For one purchase you can use one promotional code, which you enter in the last step of the purchase, at the checkout.


  • What should I do if I do not receive the order confirmation email? 

Our order confirmation emails are sent automatically, immediately after the purchase on our website. If you have not received it, please check your spam/junk e-mail first.

You may have entered the wrong e-mail address at the time of purchase, in which case please contact us, and together we will check what happened. However, make sure to check your spam e-mail first.

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