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Hair Vitamins 1+2

dietary supplement
Try our revolutionary formula that:
  • It's shiny. strong and healthy hair!
  • As much as 450 ug biotin per dose
  • 1 pack = for 1 month of regular use
  • With the addition of collagen
  • No added sugar
Net 450 g | for 90 days
Regular price: 89,69 
In stock
and save 59,20 
60-day refund policy
Free delivery for orders over 50€
Delivery within 6-7 working days
Hair Vitamins is a blend of active ingredients which nourishes your hair.

Beautiful and healthy hair is not only beautiful to look at but also an indicator of overall health!

Various factors affect hair loss, its growth and renewal, and the most common factors are age, genetics, hormones and the changing seasons. Despite these factors, we can do a lot for healthy hair on our own, with optimal nutrient intake...

The best alternative that helps to hair health is certainly biotin.

Biotin is a vitamin B group, labeled B7 and is the most important micro nutrient for healthy hair.

The second most important ingredient of hair vitamins, however, is definitely extremely high quality type 2 kolagen.

The formula also contains vitamin C, which helps to build collagen, and as an antioxidant it protects against free radicals.

100% natural ingredients


Also known as vitamin B7, it is often referred to as avitamin beautyas it contributes to maintaining healthy hair.


After the age of 20, collagen production begins to decline and as a result our hair is thin and weak. Hair vitamins make sure to add kolagen to your body.


MSM is a source of sulfur, which is an important element in the human body because it is a building block of protein.


Vitamin C helps to protect cells from oxidative damage and contributes to normal collagen formation and normal function of bones, teeth, cartilage, gums, skin and blood vessels.

What are the benefits of Hair Vitamins?

Hair Vitamins
Similar products
  • In form of a delicious drink
  • 450 ug of biotin per dose
  • With added vitamin C for optimal effect
  • 1 pack = 1 month of regular use
  • Without sugar
  • In capsules, uncomfortable swallowing
  • Do not contain biotin
  • No added vitamin C
  • 1 pack = less than a month of use
  • With added sugar

Definitely stronger and shinier hair after 1 month of use! I can say that I will be using Hair Vitamins forever.


I’ve used much more expensive products before, but they didn’t help me as much as Hair Vitamins! My hair seems to be growing faster than before.


I have been using Hair vitamins for 3 weeks now and the effect is fantastic - they really work! My hair is much more lush. I recommend it!


I would like to mention your fast delivery! I received the package in two days. I am incredibly happy with the product, none of the products I have used before have helped me so much. My hair is shiny after just one month. I recommend it 100x, thank you!


My new beauty ritual. Such a delicious drink, full of goodies for strong and healthy hair. I don’t know if it just seems to me, but my hair has never been so soft!


I have had a curly hair since kid, but never so soft and shiny. I recommend it to every girl who wants to have healthy hair in a natural way!

Forget about the uncomfortable swallowing tablets!

A recently published study found that more than 40% of adults have trouble swallowing tablets. They found that in some cases, people even skipped taking prescribed medications or supplements, precisely because of difficulty swallowing tablets.


Forget about the tablets – use powdered supplements!

In order for our body to use vitamins, minerals and other nutrients properly, it is crucial that these are properly absorbed.


Compared to tablets, that start to be digested in the stomach, powdered supplements start to be digested right in the mouth – and due to better bioavailability, they enter the bloodstream faster and provide fast and reliable results!


Hair Vitamins 1+2

Revolutionary drink for healthy hair

  • 5 g contains as much as 450 ug Biotina
  • With the addition of collagen
  • Helps with hair health
  • It offers long-lasting and comprehensive care of your hair

Frequent question of our users:

How and why does it work?

The best ingredient that helps to hair health is definitely biotin. Colagen is an important protein found in hair, skin, cartilage and connective tissues. Vitamin C helps to build collagen and protects hair from oxidative stress as an antioxidant.

Who is it for?

It is intended for anyone who has hair problems and wants to feed their hair.

What are the ingredients?

Hydrolysed collagen powder, MSM, orange flavour, vitamin C, beetroot concentrate powder and biotin.

When will the first results be visible?

You will notice the first results after only 30 days of regular use. The most optimal results are visible after 2 months of regular use.

How long does shipping take?

We will do our best to process your order the same day and send it for delivery. On average, packages are delivered between 7-9 work days.

What if I don't like it?

No worries! If the product does not meet your expectations, we offer a 14-day refund.


Hair Vitamins 1+2

Try our revolutionary formula that:
  • It's shiny. strong and healthy hair!
  • As much as 450 ug biotin per dose
  • 1 pack = for 1 month of regular use
  • With the addition of collagen
  • No added sugar
Net 450 g | for 90 days
Regular price: 89,69 
and save 59,20 
100% purchase protection with the option of returning the product - no questions asked.



  • Ingredients

  • Nutritional Values


    The recommended daily dose is 5 g (1 scoop). Mix in a glass of water and consume as soon as the powder dissolves. With 5 g of powder, you consume 450 µg (900 % NRV) of biotin and 100 mg (125% NRV) of vitamin C.


    A dietary supplement is not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet. The recommended daily dosage must not be exceeded. Keep out of reach of children! Pregnant woman and breastfeeding mothers are not advised to consume the product.

  • Ingredients

    Hair Vitamins – a dietary supplement.

    Ingredients: Maltodextrin, erythritol, hydrolysed collagen powder, MSM, orange flavour, anti-adherent agent: bamboo fibre, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), beetroot powder concentrate, biotin (D-biotin), steviol glycosides.

  • Nutritional Values

    per 100 gper dosage (5 g)
    Biotin9.000 µg450 μg (900% NRV)
    Vitamin C5.000 mg100 mg (125 %NRV)

    * NRV = Nutritional Reference Value

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