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Algae Fresh bundle

Algae Fresh: Natural solution for bad breath! Chlorella's power promotes gut health.

30,52  24,41 

Beautiful Legs bundle

A bundle against varicose veins and leg pains. Superfood mix for circulation, tired legs.

41,14  28,80 

Bio Milk Thistle powder bundle

17,48  13,98 

Chaga Mushroom powder

Out of stock

Collagen JointCare bundle

Collagen for joints. Improves mobility with patented formula Fortigel.

37,80  25,32 

Collagen powder 2+1 FREE

Natural hydrolysed collagen powder: Wrinkle-free skin, healthy hair, strong nails.

38,70  25,93 
Best Seller

Collagen SkinCare 1+1

Collagen drink for skin. Patented formula includes marine collagen powder, peptides, MSM.

61,80  30,90 

Curcuma (Turmeric root) powder Bio bundle

10,56  9,50 

Golden Curcuma latte 2+1 FREE

Powder mix. Make Turmeric Latte or Golden Milk drink. Energizing with health benefits.

44,70  29,95 

Good night latte 2+1 FREE

34,74  23,28 
Best Seller

Hair Vitamins 1+1 FREE

Drink for hair growth and stronger hair. Collagen, Biotin and MSM. Loved by women.

59,80  29,90 
Best Seller


Liver cleanse drink. Superfood mix with Milk Thistle and Artichoke. For healthy liver.

84,74  56,90 

Maca powder Bio 1+1 FREE

33,01  16,50 

Maca powder Bio 2+1 FREE

49,51  33,16 

Macaccino Bio bundle

46,40  30,16 

Matcha Chai latte 2+1 FREE

Helps to wake up the body, improve concentration and fill your body with antioxidants.

36,85  24,69 

Matcha powder Bio bundle

20,57  15,42 

Moringa powder Bio bundle

Promotes to normal blood glucose levels. High protein, dietary fiber for healthy digestion

50,75  34,00 
Out of stock
Best Seller

Nail Vitamins 1+1 FREE

Nail Vitamins is a drink that naturally supports healthy and strong nails.

47,94  23,97 

Psyllium Husk powder bundle Bio

30,93  15,47 
Only 45€ left till FREE DELIVERY
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FatBurn Tea*

Contributes to fat metabolism, eliminating excess body weight and naturally suppressing the feeling of hunger

25,46  6,88 

With 7 amino acids, 11 vitamins and 8 minerals for strong immune system 

18,58  11,15 
Detox Anti-Age*

A 2-in-1 beauty detox formula that helps cleanse the body and prevent oxidative cell damage

31,90  12,76