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100% satisfaction guarantee

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Delivery within 6-7 work days

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Highest quality standards

Goji Berries Bio


Goji Berries Bio 2+1 FREE

40,02  26,82 

Golden Curcuma latte


Golden Curcuma latte 2+1 FREE

Powder mix. Make Turmeric Latte or Golden Milk drink. Energizing with health benefits.

44,70  29,95 

Good night latte


Good night latte 2+1 FREE

34,74  23,28 

Hemp Protein powder Bio


High Protein Cookie Dough Chocolate Coconut

11,12  8,90 

High Protein Cookie Dough Double Chocolate

11,12  8,90 

High Protein Porridge Berry

7,29  5,83 

High Protein Porridge Chocolate

7,29  5,83 

Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt (fine)



Hydrate, energize, perform. Electrolytes, nutrients for peak results.

11,21  8,98 

Isotonic raspberry lemonade

Hydrate, energize, perform. Electrolytes, nutrients for peak results.

11,21  8,98 

Ketchup sweetened with Agave Syrup Bio


Latte Drinks bundle

Curcuma is anti-inflammatory. Good night latte for emotional balance. Matcha energizes.


Maca powder Bio 1+1 FREE

33,01  16,50 

Maca powder Bio 100g


Maca powder Bio 2+1 FREE

49,51  33,16 

Maca powder Bio 250g

Only 45€ left till FREE DELIVERY
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FatBurn Tea*

Contributes to fat metabolism, eliminating excess body weight and naturally suppressing the feeling of hunger

25,46  6,88 

With 7 amino acids, 11 vitamins and 8 minerals for strong immune system 

18,58  11,15 
Detox Anti-Age*

A 2-in-1 beauty detox formula that helps cleanse the body and prevent oxidative cell damage

31,90  12,76