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Guarana powder Bio

Completely natural stimulant - a healthier alternative to coffee
  • 100% organically produced
  • Helps with controlling body weight
  • Speeds up metabolism
  • Prevents fatigue
  • Improves concentration
Net 125 g | for 125 days
In stock
60-day refund policy
Free delivery for orders over 50€
Delivery within 6-7 working days

Guarana is a popular indigenous plant growing in the Amazon rain forest in Brazil. Its seeds and powder are in chemical composition similar to caffeine -  guaranine. Guaranine isn't soluble and is slower to release into the bloodstream providing a more permanent effect than other stimulants.

It is traditionally used to control the body weight because guarana boosts fat metabolism. Guarana also speeds up digestion and enhances focus.

Guarana contains guaranine, a substance almost identical to caffeine except it is slower to absorb into the bloodstream and therefore leaves an even and more pleasant lingering feeling.

It contains 2 times more caffeine than regular coffee.


Guarana is a popular indigenous plant growing in the Amazon rain forest in Brazil. Guarana contains guaranine, a substance almost identical to caffeine except it is slower to absorb into the bloodstream and therefore leaves an even and more pleasant lingering feeling.

Why choose Guarana over coffee?

  • A gradual energy increase
  • No sudden energy drop
  • No bad breath
  • No teeth discoloration
  • Rapid energy increase
  • Sudden energy drop
  • Stinky breath
  • Yellow teeth

It works great! Every time I need a little energy boost I take some and it really does fill me with natural energy.


Since taking Guarana I do not need coffee. I love that I don't feel an energy crash after half an hour.


I take it before my workout to get an energy boost and more power. Would recommend!

Guarana powder Bio

A healthier alternative to coffee

  • 100% organically produced
  • Helps with controlling body weight
  • Speeds up metabolism
  • Prevents fatigue
  • Improves concentration

Frequent question of our users:

How and why does it work?

Guarana contains guaranine, a substance almost identical to caffeine except it is slower to absorb into the bloodstream and therefore leaves an even and more pleasant lingering feeling. 

Who is it suitable for?

Great for those who need an energy and concentration boost without the negative effects on digestion and without dehydration caused by coffee. Guarana is also very popular among athletes.

What are the ingredients?


What does it taste like?

Guarana has a slightly bitter taste.

How long does the package take to arrive?

We will do our best to process your order the same day and send it out for delivery too. Our packages are on average delivered in 2-3 days.

What if I don't like the product?

No worries! If the product does not satisfy your needs 100%, you will receive a refund in 14 days.

Guarana powder Bio

Completely natural stimulant - a healthier alternative to coffee
  • 100% organically produced
  • Helps with controlling body weight
  • Speeds up metabolism
  • Prevents fatigue
  • Improves concentration
Net 125 g | for 125 days
100% purchase protection with the option of returning the product - no questions asked.



  • Ingredients


    The recommended daily intake is 1g (1/3 teaspoon). Add to water, smoothie or tea. As effective as 2 cups of coffee.


    The recommended daily amount must not be exceeded. The product is not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet.

  • Ingredients

    Guarana powder Bio – food supplement.

    Ingredients: Guarana (Paullinia cupana) powder*(100%). *Organic

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