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No Bloat Tea 1+1 FREE

Natural digestion tea with curcumin, artichoke extract, chamomile extract and vitamin C

Helps with bloating, digestion, liver detoxification and weight loss

  • ProCurcumin™ extract. Curcumin helps in the normal functioning of the liver and gallbladder, helps maintain liver health and prevents the accumulation of fat in the liver. 1
  • Artichokes have the ability to cleanse and detoxify the liver, while also helping us to lose excess weight and support digestion. 2
  • Chamomile helps with indigestion and gassines, contributes to digestive comfort 4
  • Vitamin C helps to protect cells from oxidative damage and contributes to the normal synthesis of collagen, normal function of bones, teeth, cartilage, gums, skin and blood vessels. 3
  • Herbal tea extracts for superior results compared to drinking normal tea
  • Instant preparation, only add water for a delicious hot or ice tea
Net 240 g | for 48 days
Regular price: 57,80 
In stock
and save 28,90 
60-day refund policy
Free delivery for orders over 50€
Delivery within 6-7 working days

Instant herbal tea infusion

Get superior results from drinking herbal tea, without the 3 or 5h preperation time

When we drink tea normally, we may not consume all the important nutrients the herbs have to offer. That is because of the short steeping time (often from 3-5 minutes) used in normal tea preparation, which does't extract nearly as much as a longer steeping time would.

The answer are herbal tea infusions

Because of the increased amount of used herbs and a much longer steeping times (3, 5 or even 24 hours in a air-tight container), infusions extract much more nutrients from the herbs than regular tea making, including flavonoids, alkaloids, vitamins, and minerals.

When consumed, there is not only a differrence in the amount of nutrients, but also in the quality of the nutrients, which are then easily absorbed into the body.

For example, an infusion could have around 8 or 10 times more nutrition than regular tea, made from the same herbs. Because of that, infusions are far superior and a better way to consume the herbs, if we want to achieve optimal results. But sacrificing a whole day to prepare tea might not be for everybody.

The solution? Herbal extracts in an instant tea form!

With our new instant teas you can prepare a hot or iced tea in seconds and get the benefits of using high quality, nutrient dense herbal infusions, which would take hours or days to prepare.

Out No Bloat Tea has no added sugar, no added sweeteners, artificial colors or flavor enhancers, and an extremely low caloric value, unlike other instant teas.

Use it to improve digestion and digestive comfort, eliminate excess body weight, support liver detoxification and reach your goals faster than ever before!

Why does it work?

1 Curcumin

Curcumin is a bioactive compound in turmeric that helps in the normal functioning of the liver and gallbladder, helps maintain liver health and prevents the accumulation of fat in the liver.

2 Artichoke extract

Artichokes support liver health. They have the ability to cleanse and detoxify the liver. They encourage the elimination of excess weight and take care of proper digestion.

3 Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that protects our cells from oxidative stress. It contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and the immune system.

4 Chamomile extract

Chamomile contributes to the support of digestion and helps with indigestion and gassines.


I have been struggling with digestion and bloating for some years now, and besides changing my diet, herbal teas helped me a lot. This instant tea is great and the effects are really noticeable. It's like the bloat just goes away


Great product, I always swear by natural remedies, teas, herbs, so when I say this product I decided to try it out. The results are noticeable, I drink it almost every day now and it really works, digestion is much better.


Very convenient and quick to prepare, it's like a first aid kit for my digestion, I haven't felt this good in a long time!


No Bloat Tea 1+1 FREE

No bloat tea to support digestion

  • With curcumin, artichoke extract, chamomile extract, white tea and vitamin C
  • Helps cleanse and detoxify the liver
  • Contributes to digestive comfort
  • Helps you lose excess weight
  • Helps with indigestion and gassines
  • Herbal tea extracts for superior results compared to drinking normal tea
  • Instant preparation, only add water for a delicious hot or ice tea

Frequent question of our users:

How and why it works?

Unlike regular tea preparation, infusions or extracts offer much more nutrition from the herbs. When consumed, there is not only a differrence in the amount of nutrients, but also in the quality of the nutrients, which are then easily absorbed into the body.

Who is it suitable for?

It's suitable for anyone who wants to lose weight, boost liver detoxification and improve their digestion.

What ingredients does it contain?

Instant tea blend: white tea extract, vitamin C, natural mango flavor, chamomile extract, curcuma extract and artichoke extract.

What does it taste like?

This tea has a pleasant herbal and sweet mango taste.

How do I prepare it?

Simply add 5 g (1 teaspoon) of instant tea blend to a cup, cover with hot or cold water (150 mL), mix and drink.

What if I don't like the product?

No worries! We offer a satisfaction guarantee. If the product does not meet your expectations, we provide a 14-day refund.


No Bloat Tea 1+1 FREE

Natural digestion tea with curcumin, artichoke extract, chamomile extract and vitamin C

Helps with bloating, digestion, liver detoxification and weight loss

  • ProCurcumin™ extract. Curcumin helps in the normal functioning of the liver and gallbladder, helps maintain liver health and prevents the accumulation of fat in the liver. 1
  • Artichokes have the ability to cleanse and detoxify the liver, while also helping us to lose excess weight and support digestion. 2
  • Chamomile helps with indigestion and gassines, contributes to digestive comfort 4
  • Vitamin C helps to protect cells from oxidative damage and contributes to the normal synthesis of collagen, normal function of bones, teeth, cartilage, gums, skin and blood vessels. 3
  • Herbal tea extracts for superior results compared to drinking normal tea
  • Instant preparation, only add water for a delicious hot or ice tea
Net 240 g | for 48 days
Regular price: 57,80 
and save 28,90 
100% purchase protection with the option of returning the product - no questions asked.



  • Ingredients

  • Nutritional Values


    Add 5 g (1 teaspoon) of instant tea blend to a cup, cover with hot or cold water (150 mL), mix and drink. The recommended daily amount is 5 g (1 teaspoon).


    Store in a cool and dry place.

  • Ingredients

    No Bloat Tea – instant tea blend

    Ingredients: instant tea blend (maltodextrin, white tea extract (5%), vitamin C (ascorbic acid)), natural mango flavor, chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) extract, curcuma extract (Curcuma longa), artichoke extract (Cynara scolymus L. )

  • Nutritional Values

    Nutritional valuesper 100 gper 5 g
    Energy1518 kJ/ 362 kcal76 kJ/18 kcal
    Fat17 g0,8 g
    - of which saturated0 g0 g
    Carbohydrates89 g4,4 g
    - of which sugars8 g0,4 g
    Fibre0 g0 g
    Protein0,7 g0 g
    Salt0,66 g0,03 g
    Chamomile extract50 mg
    Curcumin extract25 mg
    Artichoke extract12,5 mg
    Vitamin C231 mg (290 % NRV*)

    * NRV = Nutritient Reference Value

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